The technological ecosystems that support these complex public/private transportation systems must meet requirements for visibility, flexibility, reliability, and precision. Protecting these areas from intrusion and/or corruption risks poses a critical vulnerability, potentially compromising the proper functioning of infrastructure and/or the safety of personnel.


proposes itself as a solution for:

Real-time watchlist surveillance and alerts

By leveraging already installed security cameras, it is possible to integrate video analysis software that analyzes, alerts, and provides useful information to security teams. Through this face recognition system, it is possible to:

  • carry out access control activities.
  • provide easy access to sensitive areas for authorized personnel and travelers.
  • protect the privacy of bystanders.
  • analyze video footage and create a real-time three-dimensional view of a territorial area without acquiring any personal identification information.

Aircraft scanning

  • carries out scanning activities of aircraft, from small private jets to the largest commercial planes, quickly detecting threats, illegal or undeclared goods.

Boat scanning

  • quickly scans a boat for the detection of smuggling activities.
  • identifies every type of good without unloading the cargo or removing the boat from the water.

Container scanning

  • scans, detects, and analyzes high-definition images, improving productivity in cargo inspection operations, without compromising the safety and well-being of the operators.

Counterfeiting control

  • A control system against counterfeiting or alteration of high-security documents (e.g. banknotes, checks, identity cards, passports, visas, etc.)