
Data protection is a key element for Ecubit Spa and has long been considered a priority. Ensuring transparency about the methods we adopt for the processing of personal data is an imperative for us. The following information aims to provide you with all relevant information regarding the processing of data that may be collected through the website (hereinafter referred to as the “website”).

This information is provided in accordance with Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the current Italian legislation on the protection of personal data, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, particularly those introduced by Legislative Decree no. 101/2018, to those who interact with the website accessible at the address and not to other external websites that may be linked.

The processing of personal data includes any operation or set of operations, performed with or without the use of automated processes, and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, even if not recorded in a database, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination, or any other form of making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

  1. Data Controller

The data controller for the processing of personal data is Ecubit Spa with its registered office in Rome, at Via Monte Bianco 91, 00141. By means of internal policies and procedures, Ecubit Spa has designated the entities responsible for the processing of personal data within the organization and is carried out, using electronic tools and with the adoption of appropriate security measures, by personnel assigned to the department responsible for the processing.


  1. Legal Basis of Processing

In general, you can visit our website without providing your personal data. However, to access certain sections of the website and/or to allow you to request specific information or services, we may need to collect your personal data, which will be processed for the purposes described below.

In the context of pre-contractual and/or contractual obligations, we may process your personal data to:

– Respond to any requests or inquiries you may submit through our website;

– Enable your registration to specific restricted-access sections of our website;

– Manage your participation in online contests.


We may also use the personal data you share with us to:

  • Maintain and improve the website and ensure its security;
  • Conduct customer satisfaction surveys;
  • Manage forums in which you may participate;
  • Carry out recruiting activities related to the submission of your CV or online job application;
  • Collect aggregated data for statistical purposes regarding the use of the website.

The aforementioned processing purposes are justified by our legitimate interest in ensuring that your visit to our website, as well as the interactions between us, can be a positive experience. Furthermore, with your explicit consent, we may use the personal data you share with us for marketing purposes, including providing personalized offers. As a result of consulting this website, data relating to identified or identifiable individuals may be processed. The data freely and voluntarily provided by users are collected and processed in compliance with the rules set forth by the GDPR and used solely for institutional purposes.

Ecubit Spa is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy by handling the personal data you provide in accordance with legal provisions designed to ensure the security, accuracy, currency, and relevance of the data for the stated purposes. The personal data provided by users who submit requests are used solely to fulfill the specific request and are communicated to third parties only when strictly necessary and functional to that purpose, in accordance with European and national regulations.


  1. Processing Methods

Personal data is processed using electronic tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect use, and unauthorized access.

  1. Cookies

No personal data of users is acquired by the website. No use is made of cookies for the transmission of personal information, nor are persistent cookies of any kind used, nor tracking systems. The use of session cookies (which are not stored persistently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of randomly generated numbers by the server) necessary to allow secure and efficient browsing of the site. The session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other computer techniques that could potentially be prejudicial to the privacy of users’ navigation and do not allow the acquisition of the user’s personal identification data. Session cookies, whose use is not instrumental to the collection of personally identifiable user data, as they are limited to the transmission of session identification data in the form of automatically generated numbers by the server. Session cookies are not stored persistently on the user’s device and are automatically deleted when the browser is closed.


Third-party cookies for displaying videos on YouTube.

Ecubit Spa does not have access to the data collected and processed independently by third parties. For more information on the logic and methods of data processing by social networks, users are invited to read the privacy policies provided by the entities that provide these services: YouTube (


Analytics cookies used to collect aggregated information about the number of users and how they visit the Website.

The website also uses the Google Analytics service, the cookie policy of which can be viewed at To respect the privacy of our users, the service is used with the “anonymizeip” mode, which masks the IP addresses of users browsing the website. The data is collected solely for the purpose of processing anonymous statistical information about the use of the Website and to verify its correct functioning. Navigation data may be used to identify the user only if necessary to investigate computer crimes.

Technical cookies are not used for user profiling activities. Users have the option to enable or disable cookies by adjusting the settings of their web browser. They can follow the instructions provided by the respective browser providers to manage cookie preferences.

  1. Rights of Data Subjects

Data subjects to whom the personal data refers have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the same data and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy, or request their integration, updating, or correction (Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003). Pursuant to the same article, individuals have the right to request the erasure, anonymization, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to object, for legitimate reasons, to their processing. Anyone who has doubts regarding compliance with the privacy policy adopted by Ecubit Spa, its application, the accuracy of their personal data, or the use of collected information can contact us at the following address: Ecubit Spa – Via Mario Bianchini 51 – 00142 Rome.

  1. Changes to this Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to updates in compliance with legal or regulatory provisions.